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The Innovations and Wellness Commons
The Innovations and Wellness Commons (aka The Commons) is a community-driven, cooperatively funded multi-use commercial development on the corner of N. 16th and W. North Ave. in Milwaukee’s historic Lindsay Heights neighborhood. The Commons is revitalizing the commercial corridor of W. North Avenue, creating sustainable jobs, and increasing access to a variety of integrated services – healthy food, workforce training, educational and community programming, social enterprise businesses, and health and wellness services – for local residents.
Meet the Wellness Commons Partners
Lindsay Heights NID #12
(414) 255-3134
Area Health Educaiton Centers
(414) 344-0675 ext. 224
Coalition on Lead Emergecy
(414) 335-5519
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee
(414) 978-2000
Miwlaukee Center for Independance
(414) 937-2020
Benedict Centers
(414) 347-1774
Book Meeting Space @ IWC
Conference Room
Innovation and Wellness Commons conference room can accommodate up to twenty guests, with the flexibility to be divided into smaller rooms for 8 to 10 individuals each. Additionally, our Taste of Lindsay Heights Cafe offers food catering services.
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